
Mobile-first responsive menu without Bootstrap

I found this useful Codrops’ tutorial for creating a responsive menu that looks good in mobile, tablets and desktop. It is a very complete and includes a beautiful design, but there were a lot of things I had to change from it in order to adapt it to my needs. For example, I didn’t want to use that design (I was looking for a Bootstrap Navbar-like menu, but I wanted it to be more flexible, to respond to vertical-align, etc.), I was interested in using a mobile first approach, etc. So here is a base version of a responsive mobile-first menu, so you can add your own pretty CSS to it without overwriting another person’s (but remember this doesn’t support < Internet Explorer 8).

Here is a jsFiddle with a demo of the complete code. I repeat, this code, including the CSS, just makes the menu functional, it’s just a base code, meaning I don’t add any extra styles, so you can use your own.

1. Setting up

We will be using JQuery, so make sure to get it and add it your project.

Get a CSS reset script, I always use Eric’s Meyer “Reset CSS”, which you can find here.

Also, remember to use the viewport meta tag inside your __ when working mobile-first.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />


2. The menu HTML

I’ll use my website’s name on the left, and the navigation on the right. In my project I used an image inside the <h1\> tag, but we’ll keep it simple using just the name now.

    <div id="header-wrapper">  
        <div id="logo-wrapper">  
             <h1>My website</h1>  
        <nav id="main-nav">  
                <li class="nav-li"><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>  
                <li class="nav-li"><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>  
                <li class="nav-li"><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>  
                <li class="nav-li"><a href="#">Link 4</a></li>  

3. Adding the menu button for small screens

Just like in the Codrops’ tutorial, I’ll add the button through JavaScript to keep the HTML cleaner, but this time using JQuery:

// Adding the menu button inside a div. This div will help us align the menu to the left.  
$('<div id="menu-btn-wrapper"><button id="menu-btn">Menu</button></div>').insertAfter('h1');  

$('#menu-btn').click(function () {

4. The CSS

Following the mobile-first approach, we’ll set the style for the small screen first, then overwrite them when necessary, as the screen width increases. The comments will speak for themselves.

/* Eric Meyer's Reset CSS v2.0 - */  

/* Display the logo/website name and menu button alongside each other */  
#logo-wrapper, #menu-btn-wrapper {  
    display: inline-block;  
    width: 50%;  
/* Send menu button to the right */  
#menu-btn-wrapper {  
    text-align: right;  
#menu-btn, #logo-wrapper h1 {  
    vertical-align: middle;  
/* Don't show the navigation links by default */  
#main-nav > ul {  
    max-height: 0em;  
    overflow: hidden;  
/* Unhide the navigation links when menu button is pressed */ > ul {  
    max-height: 30em;  
.nav-li {  
    text-align: center;  
/* Force links to occupy as much space as they can (the entire screen width) */  
.nav-li a {  
    display: block;  

/* Overwriting CSS rules for screens wider than 34.688em (555px) */  
@media (min-width: 34.688em) {  
    /* Hide menu button */  
    #menu-btn-wrapper {  
        display: none;  
    /* Show navigation links by default */  
    #main-nav > ul {  
        max-height: 30em;  
    /* Display links in two columns */  
    .nav-li {  
        width: 50%;  
        float: left;  
        display: inline-block;  

/* Overwriting CSS rules for screens wider than 48.125em (770px) */  
@media (min-width: 48.125em) {  
    /* Display the entire navigation bar and the logo alongside eacth other, like we did with the menu button */  
    #main-nav {  
        display: inline-block;  
        width: 50%;  
        margin-left: -5px;  
        text-align: right;  
    .nav-li {  
        float: none;  
        width: auto;  