HackatONG + Program.AR - 6 de Septiembre (Córdoba)
El sábado 6 de Septiembre, de 9 a 19:30 hs., se realiza la hackatón “Hack(at)ONG + Program.AR”, en las baterías D de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Maintainability and testability in JavaScript
As we know, JavaScript is a class-less language that requires no specific code structure to work. As a perfectionist that gets goosebumps every time that sees unorganized undocumented messy code (specially if I myself wrote that code!), I’ve relied on several free resources to learn to keep my JavaScript code clean, readable and organized.
The Expert
I simply had to share this video, with which I believe any person working in IT can feel identified:
Dónde buscar ayuda si encontraste un pichón o un ave herida (en Argentina)
No es ningún secreto que amo los animales y casi siempre estoy cuidando alguno que encontré lastimado. Generalmente son aves, porque son los animales que más me gustan, sobre los que más sé, y generalmente, los más fáciles de encontrar. De ahí que muchas personas me digan “La loca de las palomas”, o a falta de confianza me digan “Me hacés acordar a la loca de los gatos de Los Simpsons” (ni que fuera menos ofensivo). (Mentira, no me molestan esas cosas.)
Mobile-first responsive menu without Bootstrap
I found this useful Codrops’ tutorial for creating a responsive menu that looks good in mobile, tablets and desktop. It is a very complete and includes a beautiful design, but there were a lot of things I had to change from it in order to adapt it to my needs. For example, I didn’t want to use that design (I was looking for a Bootstrap Navbar-like menu, but I wanted it to be more flexible, to respond to vertical-align, etc.), I was interested in using a mobile first approach, etc. So here is a base version of a responsive mobile-first menu, so you can add your own pretty CSS to it without overwriting another person’s (but remember this doesn’t support < Internet Explorer 8).